Do you know where your true life story is measured

Do you know where your true life story is measured


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If there is a story that everyone in the world knows, it's their own life story.

So all the other stories are fiction compared to them.

We believe that the world is full of aesthetics, not of fiction, but of fiction. As such, many life stories are full of ups and downs.

As such, nobody is ever satisfied with their true story.
Everyone's out in the open
That's why they're trying to compare their true story with stories.
In the end, most people's lives have been spent trying to compare their true story with the fiction that is out there.

That's what we see as aesthetics.
Then the aesthetic becomes what we never had. Aesthetics, then, are all we have.

So people are always looking for it. That is why we value aesthetics. This is the aesthetic we find in art, politics, religion and love.
Until I find it, no one will be satisfied with their life story.

But beyond a life story
There is a wonderful story ahead and behind our lives that no one knows.

That's his literary story.
That stupid story is bigger than the life story. That would be a very strange story.

Because we know our life story, we write it ourselves, write it, summarize it, and fill it with parables. Chapter breaks, brackets, dots and stops.

But you and I are incapable of writing our compelling story. So the story was written by someone we never thought of. To put it here, as a person, it really is a nature, a process, a system, a rhythm.

That is dharma. When we place ourselves in a world of relativity, the universe leaves us in the limelight. We can't see the middle of the story because we are blinded by the fiction of the outside world. In fact, because the world is shut out of this world.

The Buddha goes down to tell this story. Show me this doctrine. The story is about finding this hidden story,

Everyone in the world is trying to establish their own identity. They struggle with the world to separate it from the world. Every attempt to make their own identity in the world, they have a story to tell, a story to create. That is the story you have been telling yourself since your birth.

In the midst of the struggle for their own identity, you meet someone outside.
He is a outsider struggling for him and his identity. There is a life and there is a life story there too.

But the other person's story is relative fiction.
You compare your story with that of fiction. That's how you deal with the other.
As soon as the identity and identity of the other are contradicted, there is a suspicion or suspicion. This suspicion arouses curiosity, and all that curiosity presumes is fiction in the living world.

At that moment. That suspicion complicates the struggle. It is because of the complexity that you and my life stories are flowing together for the same purpose.

Everything that builds as an individual personality is a result of the influence of fiction. Life stories, then, are only fiction and a minimal identity left to themselves.

That is the minimum of the whole of our lives that we can save, maintain and maintain as ourselves. My world is just that. We have a story of their own even when there is suspicion inside it.

I have no idea what a good story is because it is too big for them.

But the Buddha says that until you create a world of "I" and "My", you have to maintain a story.
You lose yourself because of that story and fiction.

The Buddha says that the world will escape him as long as he is a part of that story, fabricating it as my world and my own.
Then the world will say nothing but yourself. It's the story you made up for yourself.

Because of this confusion, you miss the true story. Who are you and who am I in Sasara. In Buddhism the question is raised.

What are you looking for in aesthetics, imagining the world and struggling with one another?
Buddhism has the answer.

Those who are looking for real aesthetics are not fooled into the fiction of the world. It shows itself as the world. At that point, the universe that was covered in clouds, like the moon and the moon, confronted them.

That's where you'll find an aesthetic you never knew. The aesthetic worshiper who discovers the aesthetic pilgrimage that has been discovered in the world for so long, realizes how fake it is.

As such, people tend to be extremely naළඳve when it comes to aesthetics. But people mature without age when they find the perfect way to tell a story.

So we all have different stories in the world. But in the literary story, we all have the same story

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